Saturday, June 21, 2008

Meet Rachel

So I finally jumped onto the trend train so I could post all my heaps of projects I have lying around.  In a nutshell, I am an impending fashion design major with too much free time.  I thoroughly love knitting, crocheting, beading, sewing, and other old-fashioned selling points that are far underrated nowadays.  

My name is Rachel and I love to craft!  Here are among the few things I would love to accomplish this summer:

1. Learn to do intarsia knitting.
2. Learn to do stranded knitting.
3. Make an illusion scarf (with stars on it!)
4. Make a quilt for my dorm room.
5. Make two pillows for my dorm room.
6. Knit a sweater.  Like, a super-intense REAL sweater.
7. Knit a sock, since it's all the rage.  (And it probably will only be A sock ... )
8. Learn to hand-dye fabrics (and possibly to batik!)
9. Learn to spin and dye wool puffs.
10. Finish knitting my vest.
11. Knit all of those billions of patterns I have favorited on Ravelry!
12. Sew.  Sew.  Sew.

and the list goes on and on.  Obviously I won't accomplish all of these things, but it gives me something to look forward to on those rainy summer days.

As for an introduction into my life, I love stars.  I recently discovered my attraction to star-shaped things when all the fabrics and patterns and so forths I continuously saved had stars in them, and a realization was made.  So now I will take advantage of it and go all out with the stars!  My favorite color is highlighter yellow, I have a very fat cat who is my "personal assistant" in all of my crafting projects (you know, like sitting in the middle of the fabric I am using, NOT the fabric behind me that I am NOT using ... ), and I am particularly fond of Yves Saint Laurent.  I'm sure you'll learn more as I post.

So now for posting!  Since no one reads the text-filled posts anyway, only if there are pictures.  

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