Monday, July 7, 2008

$150 later

I visited a Cincinnati yarn shop today called "Fiberlicious".  The store was full of soft things and pretty things and it was basically a trauma to my wallet but it was great fun to look through it.  

I bought yarn for my boyfriend Ross's scarf, who decided he wanted it to be in "cream and burgundy".  He's a rather classy guy.

Here is the scarf I'll be making for the boyf.  I finally found a scarf pattern that was masculine and not boring.  (So many of the scarf patterns for guys are just plain, well, plain.)  He conveniently told me the colors in time for me to buy them today at the store.

The yarn I got was Brown Sheep Cotton Fleece in "Putty" and "Deep Maroon".  They are very soft and I think will go very nicely with his dark dark navy cashmere coat.  (I said he was classy, didn't I?)  

I mentioned earlier how I had begun spinning - and I am hopelessly addicted.  I had already lain out the two skeins for Ross on the counter to pay when I asked, "You don't happen to have roving, do you?"  She did, to my delight.  (She also had purple hair and was about my mom's age.)  There were many little packages of .5 oz. dyed roving, and I bought one in a deep teal.

The photo butchers the color (I really need a new camera); it is really more of a deep sea teal.  It's 100% wool from someplace local.

The next picture is what makes me incredibly happy - after looking through the little packages of dyed roving, the lady comes out with a volleyball sized ball of undyed roving and my eyes grew twice its size.  

That's my laptop behind it, for scale.  The whole thing is bigger than my head, and weighs 1.5 lbs.  I can get a huge amount of yarn out of this!  I plan to hand paint it (colors undecided so far) and spin it in a 2 ply (I will need to learn how to do that first, however).  I am incredibly excited!

However, it will be a while.  After leaving the store, my mom and I (oh and my mom bought these two skeins of blue and green and teal silk, fingering weight, for a scarf.  They are luscious) decided not to start any new projects until we finish the ones we have already started.  First, the vest.  Then the Montego scarf.  Then back to the vest since my scarf is using its needles (the ribbing and body of the vest are on different sized needles).  Then I may begin Ross's scarf and my arm warmers, and finally, spinning again.  I'm über excited.  

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